heterocromia — 2017/2018

coreography: Oana Mureșan / director: Cătălin Mardale / featuring: Sergiu Dita , Vladimir Călin, Iuliana Danciu, Oana Mureșan / video projections: Andra Salaoru, Vladimir Călin / music by: Vladimir Călin
photography: F-stop, Orsolya Balint
a joint project with Fabrica de Pensule
| Heterocromia | is a show where the audiovisual arts meet contemporary dance.
We can imagine a mind that works exclusively with visual representations, but we cannot fathom a mind that works solely with auditive, tactile or gustative representations. Sight satisfies our need for meaning by its very function: we see shapes, contours, configurations. We create a universe in which bodies intersect and seek new dimensions, where freedom of movement encourages the performers to communicate, to watch each other, to transform.